I don't think there is a wider gulf in existence than that between what is published as Science Fiction these days and what is seen in movies or on television as science fiction. Watch almost any "made for" Science Fiction Channel film then go pick up and read a current Science Fiction Magazine story and you yourself will experience a Twilight Zoneish rush of confusion.
This story of mine is utterly different than anything I've gotten to make as a film or had published anywhere else. It first appeared in Green's Magazine largely because they were looking for a Children's Science Fiction story set in Canada dealing with environmental themes. I didn't write the story to fit this very specific need, but you'll see that it fits securely in to that area. Just my luck.
This story was originally published in THE EDGE, TALES OF SUSPENSE Issue #11 The issue sold out very quickly and later the editor Greg Gifune (a noted horror author himself http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/GFGpg/) informed me that the story had been recommended for a Bram Stoker award as best short horror story of 2001.
He also sent me a letter a reader had sent in saying the story was so good they kept reading it all through dinner. Not something I'd recommend doing.
In keeping with my promise that what you find on this website you won't find anywhere else, the version that appears here includes one brief,but I felt potent, section that I regretted cutting from the originally published one.
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